Tailored R&D Tax Claims for Your Industry

Catering & Hospitality

The food and hospitality sector plays a large part in driving the UK economy and employs in excess of 400,000 people nationally. The industr...

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The manufacturing industry has long been a key driver in the UK economy and consistently contributes significant amount of Gross Domestic Pr...

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The UK has always demonstrated technological excellence and has provided some of the most prestigious engineering developments that enables...

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Social Care

The UK economy is enriched with some of the largest pharmaceutical companies and GlaxoSmithKline. AstraZeneca are no exception and add signi...

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IT & Software

The software industry is as you would expect driven by technology & innovation and it is estimated software costs amount to around 60% of ex...

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Legal & Professional

All companies will incur legal & professional costs to ensure they are remaining compliant with laws and regulations. Legal & Professional f...

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